Making Space.
I've never been the most particularly house proud person, having a rather chaotic routine often lead to the organised chaos of a home where the owner is rarely there, besides but to sleep, let alone do much else. However, selling my own home, and moving three times within five months has made me realise how important it is to create and care for space.
I sold my flat, my home I had lived in for five years, and temporarily moved in with a friend until I figured out my more long term situation and plans. I never fully unpacked, or made the most of the space I was in, as I continuously told myself it was temporary and why bother when I'd just have to pack it all up and move again, right?
What never occurred to me at this time was that whilst unpacking, organising possessions within a space, is an essential albeit mundane task it is also an opportunity to infuse that space with intention and love.
I have been feeling a little unsettled, uninspired, I've let important daily routines and practices slide, using the excuse that I no longer have the space and I've put this down to no longer owning physical bricks and mortar that represent what you would call, a home. In my old flat I had a spare room, which was for the last eight months I lived there alone, solely my yoga space. A mat was always there, cushions, candles, a journal, soft comforting textiles, inspiring and loved books, not crowded, not cluttered. Just an inviting, and safe space anytime I needed it. Stepping into that room, closing the door, lighting a stick of Palo Santo, and taking the first deeper and more considered breath that day, was an instant sigh of relief, grounding, unfurling any business from my brain and body. A space for release, a space for exploration, creation.
I don't think I really appreciated and acknowledged the importance of this room until I made the direct connection of that space, emotionally along with my own self care.
What I've slowly realised, if you care for the spaces in which you occupy, from this, you can also indirectly learn the value of caring for yourself. The same way in which a space needs to be cleared of dust, clutter, & mess, we need to be cleared of old, constrictive beliefs and emotional dirt we’ve let cling us for too long.
With this, I have realised the power of feeling settled somewhere. I think this is part of the root to the resistance to create my own new safe space. By not creating this new space I'm avoiding being fully present and facing change. I'm caught in a circle of denying myself enough time and care to create somewhere permanent yet knowing it's causing weight I need not carry.
It stops here. No matter, when or where I may find myself next, no matter the permanence, I will take care to settle, mentally and physically. Even if it's something so small as a clean corner of a room or shelf, holding a candle, a journal, a treasured gift of a Bonsai Tree and my favourite rose Quartz crystal. A symbol of self value, identity, openness to change and a space to rest.
What does creating space look like for you? Do you have a special part of your home that you tend to? I'd love to hear about what it means to you.
Thanks for reading.