Just F L O W

A 60 minute vinyasa inspired class, beginning with pranayama, easing into intentionally flowing sequencing helping to energise the body, whilst stilling the mind, progressively building throughout. The focus of this class is on breath & the movement, how we arrive in & out of asanas, exploring what it means to truly lose yourself in the moment. 

This class is mixed level;  A familiarity with yoga postures is recommended although full guidance, cueing & variations are offered throughout.

Just F L O W - Karma Coast Collective in Tynemouth - Tuesdays at 7:30 - 8:30 am

Hotpod Yoga

I teach two different styles of class at Hotpod Yoga in Sunderland.

Hotpod Flow; Classes are rooted in Vinyasa Flow – a style of yoga that synchronises movement and breath, to work the body and calm the mind. Each class type will follow a familiar structure and flow, but we encourage every teacher to bring every bit of their own personality and style.

Nurturing Flow; Our Nurturing Flow is a deeper, slower, restorative class. A calmer tempo and strong focus on passive and meditative postures, combined with the signature Hotpod heat of 37 degrees, will melt you further into your practice, leaving your body gently worked and your mind relaxed and calm. Ideal for beginners, anyone suffering from injuries or just looking to nurture their bodies.

Hotpod Yoga manages it’s own booking system & timetable. Please visit their website for more information.

Reset - Yang to Yin

A two-hour deep dive blending movement & stillness. Beginning with a flowing sequence to build energy & warmth, explorative sequencing to deepen your practice then melting into slow, soothing yin-inspired stretches using props to support you, closing with an extended guided relaxation.

This practice harmoniously unites energetic flow with peaceful stillness, leaving you centred, revitalised & in harmony.

This class is mixed-level & best suited to those with a regular practice, but variations will be given.

Reset - Yang to Yin - Karma Coast Collective in Tynemouth - This will be a monthly event, alternating across Friday evenings & Sunday afternoons for Autumn.

Practice with me

If you’d like to sign up for any of my offerings hit the below link to be taken to my booking system. See you on the mat soon!