A Sunday well spent...


We all know how the old saying goes. And I for one am really trying to apply this as an intention for myself. After a week away, on the island of Islay (a beautiful tiny island, to the west coast of Scotland, with a population of no more than around three thousand) I feel I have gained a new perspective on time management and self care.

Islay, in case you don't know, is famous for it's whiskey, however keen my family and Dom were to get themselves to the closest distillery and neck a complimentary dram, something else struck me about the island. It is hands down one of the most friendliest places I have ever been, and coming from Newcastle this says a lot. Every single car you pass on the road, the driver waves at you, and it's expected that you wave back. How nice is that!? Everyone greets everyone, everyone is kind to everyone, and the entire place just has its own pace, it's own no rush, laid back, nothing is a bother mindset.

So what might this have to do with a yoga and wellness blog, you might be asking? Well, as a yoga teacher, I am sometimes guilty of not always practicing what I preach. I'm all for telling my clients to take time out for themselves, that you can't pour from an empty cup, so on and so forth, but I do always follow my own advice? No. Juggling a full time job, complete my yoga teacher training, whilst attempting to build a yoga business, as well as maintain my own practice, go to the gym, eat well and do all the things a normal 28 year old wants to do.....it's easy for things to begin to snowball into a blur of a week. Before I knew it, a couple of months had passed, I had barely seen any friends family, or even Dom for that matter, and we live together.

So from this little trip away, I had an opportunity with very little phone signal and internet connection, to re adjust to how I want to spend and manage my time going forward;

Apply myself more.

Use my time more wisely during the week.

Less mindless phone scrolling, (Come on, we are all guilty of this), when I should be practicing yoga, planning classes, cooking dinner, washing my hair, the list goes on! Therefore the time spent working through my constant to do list, will be focused, concise, meaning tasks are completed faster, with my full attention, leaving more time to do things I enjoy, more downtime.

Using time more wisely, you might feel, shouldn't be that hard, and you're right. But it just seems to be, and I'm hoping to continue with this intention now that I'm back from my mini break.

This morning was the perfect opportunity as well, with the clocks changing giving us an extra hour to our Sundays. I must say, I can't help but feel a little smug, sitting writing this, as I'm about to have a bath, knowing, that this morning I managed to fill in a tax return, transfer over and begin editing some photos, and make it into town for brunch and a stroll through the market all before half eleven. And it goes to show, after a well spent, and productive morning, I have had more time today to do things I enjoy, feel as though I have actually had a Sunday, I have still managed to smash my to do list for today, and complete a few extra additions that weren't even on there, making me feel like this really will be easier than I thought, after all.

So here it goes, time used more wisely during the week, makes for happier weekends, and happier weeks ahead.

Self Care Sunday. There, I said it. 

How did you spend your extra hour today?

What intentions are you working on at the moment?


A different kind of Graduation